Friday, July 01, 2011


Since I came home from the last week of vacation this year I am really getting to the point of questions. New information about family and places I'm staying. it kind of seems to get real now, and It's not only paperwork anymore. I think the point of imagination and reality is pretty hard since just everything that started being built up in the last years just kind of is crashing down. People I know, places I've been to and things I just do everyday- nothing will accually ever be the same. This is like walking over THE line.
The last year was great for building up a ,,normal" way to get through the days and there are some moments where I really think, I am where I belong. But now, am I giving it all back up? I can't really tell If I'm going ,,backwards" now.
I'm just getting ready for the last AFS weekend before my exchangeyear- just packing some stuff and listening to some songs I kind of got to know down in France. Two days ago Yassi- one of my best friends- left to africa for three months. I really wish her all the luck she can have and I cross my fingers, that she has an amazing time!
People come and go, and just a couple days ago someone told me that some people really want you to trip and fall on your way- i never noticed that It's the right thing to let go sometimes- I'm not good at letting go, I think. i'm not ready to let go, because then I'll never know what I'd be missing.
Taking this step is hard- and easier than I thought at the same time.

Today was just school, the seniors-prank day- it was fun and we spendt our time up in the classroom watching a horror-movie (I swear- I'll never go into a big mansion on my own ever again...).
In only a week i'm going back to the beach in France with our classtrip. Then another week of school, the festival- and then It'll be over. i already wrote the last chemistry-test of my life (and failed) and I will definetly never write a frenchtest ever again. The thought of that is a little confusing, I find.
Anyways- we had a barbeque at 10 am in school this morning and all that was missing was kronenbourg...

I gotta get going- get back to you! (tgif!)

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