Friday, June 10, 2011

tommorow, i love you, tomorrow...

Tomorrow! At 6 in the morning we'll start the journey up to france, st tropez. I have already packed (a lot), I have my breakfast meals ready, I have loads of dresses, bikinis and shorts and I am sooo exited to finally leave this rainy grey town and get up to st tropez.
I just got the last couple things I needed for the weeks of vacation like suntan lotion, some makeup stuff and a couple magazines. The GOOD THING is, that I can read the french elle, vogue and instyle in the next weeks. Now I'm back home, doing the last couple things for vacation and drinking coffee. I remember times pretty much a year ago, we only went the second week, and I couldn't wait! And another time, we got stuck on our way back with the car, having to sleep over in a little town hotel.
I have so many fun memories of the weeks there, town, the beach, all the people, the great food and tons of sun.The next two weeks will be the last vacation back home with my family, brothers and friends. I think things will change and I dont know If we'll ever come back there when I come home from argentina. Things will change a lot in the next year, and since there are only about 7 or 8 weeks left until the flight will be taking off, I feel like I have loads of stuff to do here, you know, things I feel like wanting to finish them up, like talking to a person who I feel I should say something to, tell a friend that I love her or really spend time with my Mum, watch a football game with my dad and watch my brothers tennis match.
People say, you really feel grown up, when you're back, and soetimes I'm accually struggeling if it isnt kind of cool that I'm not ALL ngrown up yet.
I'll think about it.
Have a great, wonderful and sunny week, and I'll get back to you ASAP!
TGIF! (thank god its ´friday.)
love and kisses, anna

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Sunday morning sofa chill...

This weekend was accually supposed to be my third AFS-Weekend in Stuttgart. But on Friday morning (we had a long weekend) I woke up and seriousl couldn't walk- I had to cancel the weekend and stay home. My hip was hurt so I couldn't even stand up from the couch. 
That really didnt make my weekend the funnest one, but I had time to sleep a lot and have a relaxed time. Right now, I'm watching this old movie, while it's really chilly outside... 
The good tthing about this weekend was just that I had time for getting some online-things done. I ordered a bh-cosmetics palette and then I clicked up on and they're having a free shippen edition for this weekend ! I couldnt buy bith things so i think I gotta wait... :( hmpf!
But okay, from now on were only having one week of school and then were going to st tropez. I still cant believe the year has passed so quick. Only a couple more weeks and the year'll be over, I really want to enjoy the rest of the time ! :) 
I also cant wait for the time after my exchange year, because after that, my next destination will be the USA, to see Ariana and Elizabeth and Peter B and everyone else again.. 
Times will pass pretty quick and I feel like missing a little bit.. 
I really hope you'll all have a great weekend and enjoy times ! 